Dont Destroy Our Beaches Petition Fight Continues Mullaloo 2024

Don’t Let the Community Petition Be Ignored: The fight to protect our coastline isn’t over yet.

If you were involved in the Mullaloo petition to stop the city from placing groynes along our beaches, you to turn up to the city council meeting THIS Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 6:30pm.

In spite of the broad community outcry where we the community wanted our coastline protected, and the community involved in that process, after reading their new project timeline, it is our opinion that they are ignoring those wishes.

After letting the dust settle for 18 months, the plan is to engage consultants at the same time as establish a community reference group. This group gets to provide feedback on the plan produced by these consultants. The community reference group is no able raise se issues or seek further information directly with Council, consultants, or community. It will be managed by City Administration, behind closed doors. Yet again.

You can read the relevant documents below.

We will be providing our feedback to council before this plan is enacted THIS Tuesday. We would love to see the community turn out to continue its effort to protect our beaches. As before, the only thing we have noticed sway the direction of council is turnout.

We hope to see you there.


Development of Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan 2024

Mitchell Sideris


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