Workplace Learning Program


Workplace learning provides students with the opportunity for developing skills in practical work environments.

Our Aims

  • To build the capacity of students with disability to undertake work in an authentic setting so that they may develop employability skills
    To provide students with experiences in taking direction from a supervisor, working independently, working as part of a team, showing respect for co-workers and supervisors, punctuality and OHS
    To provide an opportunity for Belridge students to be involved in on- ground coastal conservation learning activities that will improve their opportunity for placement in other horticultural ventures such as garden, nursery centres and propagation nurseries

Our Objectives

  • Provide educating and engaging experiences involving students and our community, and the benefits that it provides the Belridge students

Belridge Secondary Education Support Centre Workplace Learning (WPL) involves a variety of work experiences. Coastcare conservation is an extension to the schools current gardening learning.

The WPL program is a partnership but over a shorter timeframe of one or two terms, based on available volunteering support by suitably qualified rehabilitation specialists.

The limited involvement to-date, has found the skills students have gained in the Mullaloo Beach re-vegetation programs, have supported a deeper understanding of the Certificate I Agrifood course they are completing at school. All of the students who have attended our program, have achieved their Certificate I Agrifood Operations through North Metro TAFE.